Saturday, April 11, 2009

Failed Silhouette

I have been trying to do this silhouette idea for a LONG time. After many failed attempts I gave up. However, I did leave a little piece of the silhouette in place! Please help Stacy!


Lesley said...

It's super easy in Illustrator... if you want to email me the file I'd be happy to do it!

Jami Weight said...

i want to do this too! My friend Char did this with her family and it looks awesome!!!! Maybe I can get her to do a tutorial on her blog of how to do silhouettes. We will see, until then.....

Stacy Hart said...

oh, sorry it was so hard! it did take a while to do the edges... it is way easier if you have illustrator so i would send it to your friend who commented. happy easter!

amy germer said...

You just forgot the nose, lips and chin. I don't think you should draw the cheeks? But, what do I know?