Friday, December 10, 2010


On September 1st, Rhett came home to balloons and a decorated table. Lucy and I were so excited to share the news with him. I wrote up a little poem telling him to gear up for the next 9 we go again! Lucky me was already ill by the time I found out I was pregnant. I am due the same day I was with Lucy, May 10. Apparently we really like to celebrate our anniversary in August!!
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Tiffany said...

Still so excited for you guys!!! May is an AWESOME time to have a baby- you just miss the flu season! What a cute way to tell Rhett. Wish I was that creative.

Amy said...

What a cute way to tell Rhett. Love all the posts! We have missed seeing what you guys are up to. Congrats on baby boy on the way!!

The Clark Family said...

Congrats on baby #2, sorry to hear that you are so sick...hopefully it's better now?? I think Lucy looks just like you, she is so cute! Merry Christmas!

Tiff-E said...

Yay yay yay!!!! We are due 4 days apart!!! Whatever! So fun!!! I was totally sick until just barely...are you feeling better now? We need to get together's always too long between hang out sessions!

Heidi said...

I can't believe that you're due on the same day as Lucy. Too cute and funny :) Congrats. I sure hope you're feeling better by now. Dani tells me you're going to be in for a BOY too!! Love ya