Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I can not believe I am posting these, but I also can't believe I am pregnant! We tried to do some cutsie ones, but they are so cheesy! Hope you enjoy...


Angie said...

You are such a cute pregnant lady! And no stretch marks-you lucky! Isn't this such a crazy adventure?

Leeshie Lou said...

Holly you look adoreable as a prego mommy!!! Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

cute holly. so, almost 25 weeks...feeling any better? (Part of me even hates to ask)

Ben and Lisa said...

I love these pictures! You look so good and you belly is so cute! Love you!

amy germer said...

I would never have the guts to show my belly to the whole world. You are awesome. Miles wants me to wear a bikini in Hawaii, maybe I will now.

Hannah said...

Oh!! I am so glad I get to see you prego. You look so cute! Love you!

Leeshie Lou said...

Holly! That is so funny... Maybe I will not pursue my dream of doing hair anymore... HAHAHAH!!!

laura said...

I love these pictures! You look GREAT!

McDuffie Family said...

You are a cute prego woman! You enjoy it 'cuz a lot of gals prego would kill to be you!

Paul & Emily Ellis said...

Paul and I are so excited for you. It is so much fun. I am so excited that you are having a girl. I hope everything is going well for you.

Meredith said...

Hey girlfriend! I'm so excited for you and Rhett. Love the "cutsie" pictures!