Thursday, April 3, 2008


Honestly, what was I thinking? Until last night night I was freaked out, mostly because of all of the uncertainty. Now - I am worse off and freaking out more than ever before.

As we approached the class no one even looked pregnant - so I am feeling huge at this point. They are all due in July and August. I must admit, that may have been the highlight of the night because everyone was looking up to me and pretty jealous of how far along I am. I felt very experienced because none of them knew what a contraction felt like!! Oh, how I wish I didn't know what they felt like! I have been having a lot the past few weeks. The class had videos that no prego should ever watch, so I had to sit there trying to be mature about the images that were flashing on the screen. Oh boy, what did I get myself into? There are just too many scenarios in birthing. I have heard knowledge is power, but somehow I feel very powerless! The whole way home Rhett kept saying "this labor thing is going to take forever, man, it is going to be hours and hours." I was feeling rather annoyed by his comments - he was feeling very sorry for himself of how bored he was going to be through the whole process.

Well, hopefully our next class will be more enlightening - only 3 more classes to go until I will have all power of birthing knowledge!


Melissa and Nate said...

Ahhh...the birthing class. We didn't have time to do the 4-week one, so we fit it all into an EIGHT HOUR Saturday class. It was brutal. But to be honest, I acutally used some of the techniques during it might be helpful!
Another thing that really helped me was taking a tour of the hospital. If you haven't already done so, I highly recommend it.
PS-it looks like the weather is supposed to be awful all week next week. Do you want to plan on doing your photo shoot the next week??

Anonymous said...

ok hilarious post! Steve and I went to one class and left bewildered! I can't even describe the emotions that followed. I didn't go back...(i read a book recommended by Becca instead)
A tour of the hospital is good if your tour guide is nice. Mine told me about the rooms for high risk patients which was not at all reasurring when I was put into one of the rooms for real! But, in the end all is well, you will survive, Rhett may or may not be bored (steve called his brother during the day to bring him books and food) and in the end you will get to hold your baby! It's the best moment! Happy Contracting-except hold on for a few more weeks!

Brian & Heidi Haas said...

LOL...those birthing classes were what convinced me that I absolutely wanted an epidural. ;)

Brian was really bored when I was laboring with Paige. I was admitted at 1pm and started pushing at 10pm and didn't have her until 11:51pm. So it was forever long....Poor guy.

He will probably want some books, magazines and snacks. Then again maybe you will be extrememly lucky and things will go fast for you!

Erin said...

You're post made me laugh! As a labor & delivery nurse, I have seen it all and it has not yet cured me of wanting to have kids! All those birthing videos are so silly. Just remember that each person's delivery is a different experience, no matter what everyone else tells you their delivery was like. I'm sure it's going to be awesome. Believe me, every mom I have delivered says it is all worth it when you have your new baby in your arms!

Alison said...

you are looking so so cute!! hey, are you going to lisa's shower down here in a few weeks...let me need to come!! i love the pict of you and lisa by the way!!! can we say that your two girls are bound to be best "girlfriends"??

amy germer said...

Holly, you crack me up!!! You made me think our classes. We would go to Nelson's custard(ahhh... chocolate brownie) after every class(we were at St' Marks). That always made me feel better.

jamirodana said...

Oh, I'm sorry. The class isn't too exciting. It isn't as bad as you think. The only thing I did not like seeing was the epidural needle they bring out the last day. However, having had an epidural with all three kiddos, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Shanna and Brent said...

well, to make you feel better, I actually had to LEAVE the birthing class because I felt like I was going to pass out with all the videos.... seriously, hyperventilating, cold sweats and all!!!! but its all worth it in the end!!!!

The Parks Fam said...

I never did a birthing class, I'm really glad I didn't to be honest. I just got my epidural really quick!! :) You think the contractions now are bad??!!! YOu just WAIT!! You will look back and think those were nothin. Every labor and delivery is soo different so try not to stress out too much, in the end you will think it was all soo amazing. You will love it!! I can't wait to meet your new baby when she arrives, your getting soo close!! Good luck with everything.

McDuffie Family said...

Don't worry! I never took the classes 'cuz I didn't want to know some stuff.......but they really sometimes give you the worse case senarios. I had contractions weeks before too! Don't worry, labor didn't take us long at all and pushing didn't either. My epidural didn't quite work, so I felt all the stuff and trust me, I'm grateful for what the epidural did take away, but it's not all that bad once you're there. Where my sis. lives, they don't give epidurals so she did it natural and let me tell you.....she hated it! you'll be fine!